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Diamondswiss She's All I Want (AI)
Sire: Dk. Ch. Nor. Ch. Nord. Ch. All I Want of Trebons Berger Blanc
Dam: Ch. Diamondswiss Beauty Queen (AI)

Star was the only girl in a litter of just 3 using frozen semen from one of my favourite sires "All I Want" from my favourite breeding girl, Diamond. These pups were due to be born on my late Mother's birthday but were brought into the world a day early through planned caesar. But she turned out to be all I wanted as my little Star developed into the sweet, stunning, carefree puppy that now calls my lap her favourite spot!

DM: +/- (Carrier)
Pituitary Dwarfism: CLEAR
Cerebellar Hypoplasia: CLEAR
HEIGHT: 60cm
DOB: 08/08/2023
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